What if your daughter could enter puberty with confidence?

The puberty course for moms who want...
✿ their daughter to truly understand what’s happening during puberty and the menstrual cycle
✿ to be involved in their daughter’s body education
✿ to have a space for sharing their own thoughts on growing up
✿ to give their daughter the time to ask questions she’s been holding back


Included throughout the course are “Mom Share” moments, where you can talk about your own experience with different aspects of growing up, as well as “Turn and Talk” discussion prompts for topics like deodorant, bras, and period products.

Education is only half the story. With reflection questions and activities throughout, Body Talk Basics prepares your daughter to implement what she learns.
What moms are saying...


What the course covers:

Accurate terminology for the parts of the body that change the most during puberty
Fun facts about the female body
Enter your bullet points here..

How breasts develop
Introduction to the types of bras that are available
Basics of breast health
Enter your bullet points here..

What causes body odor and what to do about it
Where body hair typically grows during puberty
Why body hair removal is optional and should be about what makes you comfortable
How to safely remove body hair
Enter your bullet points here..

What actually happens during a menstrual cycle
Common period questions answered (“How much blood is lost?” “Can I swim during my period?” “What do I do with the blood?” and more)
Why period pain is common but NOT normal
Tips for reducing or preventing period pain and PMS
Enter your bullet points here..

Sleep: how much sleep growing bodies need and how to create good sleep routines
Exercise: loving your body through movement
Nourishment: how to support your body with healthy habits and fuel
Skin: tips for caring for your skin externally and internally
Emotions: seven strategies to process big emotions and reduce stress and anxiety
Enter your bullet points here..
After getting my period as a middle schooler, it took me nearly ten years to learn that a menstrual cycle has multiple phases, that my hormones can be influenced by what I put in and on my body, and that period pain is not normal.
The more I learned about the female body, the more amazed I became at its incredible design. At the same time, the more I learned, the more frustrated I became that this kind of knowledge is so rarely taught to women, and even less so to young girls.
Creating the Body Talk Basics course is my way of passing on what I’ve learned about the female body to the next generation. I hope you and your daughter find this information as empowering and exciting as I do!

- What age girl is this class for?I designed the course with girls aged 9-14 in mind, but the content could be helpful for girls who are slightly younger or older than that, too! You might find that the first few modules (introducing puberty, breast development, and body hair/odor) are appropriate for your daughter now, while the period/menstrual cycle section would be better suited for her in a year or two. After purchasing the course, feel free to watch sections ahead of time and determine which content your daughter is ready for! You’ll have lifetime access to the course, so it will be there when your daughter needs it.
- What if my daughter has already started her period?Even if your daughter has already started her period, this course can help explain the elements of puberty she has already gone through, and equip her to better understand and support her body’s menstrual cycle. The “Period Peace” section of the course is by far the longest and most in-depth section. I wanted to include as much useful information as I could, some of which might be even more helpful for your daughter after she’s started her period so she has more context and experience.
- Do you talk about sex and birth control?I do not cover sexuality or sex beyond mentioning that pregnancy occurs when an egg is fertilized by a sperm.
Because of the number of girls that are prescribed hormonal birth control for non-contraceptive reasons, I do briefly cover hormonal birth control and encourage everyone to do thorough research before using.
- Can I order additional daughter workbooks if I have multiple daughters?Yes! After purchasing the course, you'll be given an option to purchase additional daughter workbooks for $12 each. If you buy the workbooks within 24 hours of purchasing the course, the workbooks will be added to your box of course materials with no additional shipping fee. You can always reach out to me at hello@bodytalkbasics.com if you want to purchase additional workbooks in the future!
- What if I don't agree with how you talk about ______?If you want to frame a topic differently or skip sections altogether until your daughter is ready for it - please do so. You know your daughter best!
- Do I need to have a laptop or computer?You will need access to a computer, laptop, or tablet to log into and play the video content. Technically, you could still access the videos with a phone, but I’d recommend a larger screen for the best experience of the text and graphics that appear in the videos.
Contact information
Updated 10/6/2021
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Do you have multiple daughters?
After purchasing the course, you'll be given an option to buy extra daughter workbooks for $12 each. Make sure to purchase within 24 hours if you want your books to be included in your course box!
Payment information

Let me help! Reach out at hello@bodytalkbasics.com
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Access to over three hours of video content to watch alongside your daughter
Digital resources including downloadable menstrual-cycle trackers, skincare tips and tricks, hormone-nourishing snack ideas, and more!
A physical course workbook for you and your daughter, a physical book version of the content to look back on, and materials for a period product activity
A bonding experience that will prepare your daughter to enter, or continue, puberty with confidence
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